{abba’s girl. fearless & fiercely loved.}

5 thoughts on “{abba’s girl. fearless & fiercely loved.}”

  1. I love they way you express yourself in writing, Kezia. I feel connected to you in such a personal way when I read your thoughts, even though we are miles and miles apart. You encourage me. Jason’s photos let me see your outer beauty while your words show me your heart for God and the shining loveliness of your heart.


    1. Wow! Thank you so much for the encouragement Carolyn. I am humbled to know that you are ministered to by my writings. I am so glad I got to meet you even for a brief time before Jason and I had to leave for Thailand.


    1. Oh yes! The Bible studies I had done with the TEA Party girls and Pastor Reese really helped me grow more in my relationship with Jesus. In fact, many of my decisions that eventually led me here to Thailand birthed out of those times of prayer and study time with you guys. So thankful God brought me to Windsor, NC!


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